cheesin hella hard


I’m a regular ass dude who after 10 years of mistakes eventually started making dope music.

But it didn’t start out this way.

Originally from New York I grew up as the guy hustling his mixtape out of the backpack.

You know the type.

After college and a brief stint working at Island/Def Jam I realized the major label life was not for me.

After spending four years in Philly as a bartender, marketing manager, and high school teacher I realized that:

A) Cubicles aren’t for me


B) I’m equally as passionate about creating music as I am teaching it

So I sold all my shit, quit my job, and bought a one way ticket to a small city in Northern Thailand to start life over.

These days I create online programs for aspiring musicians, travel, and build my brand as an artist.

Teachers who grind just as hard as you do.

After building the initial programs that would become Beat School I’ve had students and other talented individuals join the team.

We’re now a small but mighty unit who are constantly looking for ways to create better content and classes for you.

So even if you’re only toying with the idea of making music here’s my advice: JUMP.

It’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in this life.

We’re interested in working with people like you who aren't afraid to disrupt and go against the grain.

Our students are like minded creatives who believe in experimenting and pushing boundaries.

This is the day and age of no gatekeepers.

If you want to do something. Do it.

We can’t promise this is a piece of cake, but it’s there for the taking if you put your mind to it.

And that’s where we come in.

We’ve created a simple framework to help you make music faster, easier, and more efficiently.

We took a decade of experience and boil it down into actionable step-by-step systems.

If that resonates with you, let's shake shit up.

Life is too short not to do the damn thing,


P.S. Not sure where to start? Click this big ‘ol button and let’s get you sorted.